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Flynet Viewer Terminal Emulator Help

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Instant Installation Options

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The main Flynet Viewer installation is server-based, which means that you, as the user of a client computer, have minimal installation requirements.


All Device and Browser Access - http://myserver/FVTerm/scterm.html


In this mode, the provider (your company or business partner) provides a standard link or button that launches the emulator inside a supported web browser.  For some users of IE6, your company may have an ActiveX control configured to be installed on first access.  If this is true, the ActiveX Install Dialog will appear providing control of this setup.  You can control if the ActiveX keyboard control is used by changing settings.


After the initial activation, you can update your preferences at any time to customize how the emulation works on your machine.  Then, any time you access the SCTerm.html page, you will be immediately connected to your host session using the active preferences.


iPad (and other Tablet) Access


The standard URL is now supported across all devices.  If your device has font size issues or the keyboard buttons are too small, please contact your technical support department for assistance.



HTML Application (HTA) File - http://myserver/FVTerm/scterm.hta (windows only)


Note that starting with Flynet Viewer 2013 the HTA file support is deprecated--we do not recommend use of the HTA file and instead recommend always accessing the emulator using a standard web browser and the IIS port...


In this mode, you are accessing a special HTML Application, or HTA file which may be opened directly or downloaded to your desktop or any folder of your choosing.  When you first access the HTA file over a network, a Windows warning will appear which you will need to respond to in order to continue.


If you do chose to download the file to your desktop, it is then available at any time to double-click and launch the emulation connection (without a warning).


As with the HTML access, you can update your preferences and any changes you make will be active for both the current session and any future sessions on your machine.  When downloading the HTA file to your desktop, you also have the option of implementing multiple installation profiles, described in the next section.