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Flynet Viewer Terminal Emulator Help

Navigation: Using the Preferences Dialog

Web Services Use Field

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Flynet Viewer uses XML-based Web Service calls to perform specific actions in providing terminal emulation.


Note--this Option is usually not seen by users.  In Flynet Viewer 2016 the default web.config hides it by default.  It is not recommended to use any option other than "Full".


This field should not be changed unless directed by the server administrator.  It is generally recommended that the server administrator configure the server so that you don't even have access to this field in the preferences dialogue.


The values that may be set are:



No Web Service calls are made--any host updates to the screen that are not included in each entry will not be displayed unless you click on the Refresh Screen Icon.


All keyboard input and screen updates are performed using standard HTTP / HTML requests.


A simple call is performed in the background to ensure all host updates to the screen are synchronized.  When a host update occurs, the screen refresh function is triggered by the web service call.


Keyboard input and screen updates are performed using standard HTTP / HTML requests.



Once the initial HTML pages are loaded, all subsequent interactions with the .NET server are through web services.


Keyboard input and screen updates are performed using SOAP-based Web Service XML calls.  This is the most efficient setting and should result in the best performance.